Friday, October 19, 2007

#7 Digital Archives

For this exercise, I chose the Nashville Public Library archives, and did a search for 'people'. I'm not sure how well that worked, as most of the results didn't seem to have people in them, and if they did they were small and what I wanted to see was older photographs of people close up. So I got a little more specific with 'women' and got a few interesting ones.

I especially like this one, of WWII pilot Cornelia Fort. Her story is a short but interesting one. She got her pilot's license, became Tennessee's only female flying instructor, was flying in the air over Honolulu when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, was one of the first members of the Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, and became the first female pilot killed in the line of duty, all in three years, when she was barely older than I am now. And before that? She was a Nashville debutante.

More info on her here and here.

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